Incorporating Garden Spaces in Your New Home 

Professional Caucasian Gardener Building Plants Irrigation System in Developed Garden. Industrial Theme.

Posted Monday May 20, 2024 in Gardening

Incorporating Garden Spaces in Your New Home by Chafin Communities

Spring brings a sense of renewal, growth, and the promise of new beginnings with garden spaces. May flowers bloom as April showers gently nurture the earth, painting the world with vibrant colors and fragrant scents. It is the perfect opportunity for many to start a garden, especially in a new home. The yard is a part of your home, and you can design it to expand your living space. Outdoor gardens can serve as a social area or a serene space. Regardless of how you use it, starting a garden breathes fresh life into a new home. 

Assess the Yard 

To begin, it is important to get a good grasp on what you will be working with. Understanding the characteristics of your yard can help you develop an idea of what gardening projects you can undertake. When evaluating your land, ask yourself some questions. How big is your space? What is the lighting like? Where do you want to have views of the garden? What type of soil do you have? Each home has its unique factors, and embracing those qualities will bring you a step closer to a successful garden. 

Gather Ideas

Seek inspiration from other gardeners. There is no shame in learning from others. Pinterest is a fascinating place to search and create idea boards. Also, visiting local gardens or flower shops may spark your creativity and introduce you to new flowers. No matter what skill level you are, there is always more to learn from other gardeners. Collaborate and talk with gardeners that you may see at the store or in local gardening clubs. Gardening is a passion that many love to share with others. 

Blending Your Garden Spaces

As mentioned above, the yard is an extension of your home. Therefore, you want the two spaces to flow together seamlessly. Using similar themes inside and outside the home can help meld the two spaces. When designing the outdoor area, choose colors and patterns that resonate with your taste while also complementing the plants you have selected. Nature has so many colors and textures to choose from, providing numerous details to highlight and design your space around. Simultaneously draw inspiration from your home and its details to create a cohesive look that combines the beauty of both your home and the flowers in your yard. 

Consider Vertical Gardening

Gardening is not limited to those with large plots of land. Vertical gardening is a space-saving option. Vertical gardening such as using climbing plants and hanging baskets, adds vibrancy without taking up ground space. Regardless of the type of home you have, there are ways to incorporate a garden.

Choose the Right Plants

It is important to choose plants that are suitable for your yards growing environment and your lifestyle. If you are typically very busy, you may not want to attempt to grow high-maintenance plants. Also remember what you learned about your yard previously. The type of soil, amount of sunlight, drainage, etc. will have an effect on the type of plants that will thrive. Choose plants that will grow successfully with what you have, meet the aesthetic you have planned, and have manageable maintenance needs.

Start Small With An Herb Garden Space

There is no need to make this a big project, especially in a new space where you are still settling in. Begin with small sections such as a few pots on the windowsill or a couple of planted flowers. This allows you to learn and experiment without feeling overwhelmed or like you are overworking yourself. Keep in mind that all gardens start with one seed. There is no rush to the finish line, as each step adds its own sense of beauty to your yard. 

Woman planting seedling in soil outdoors, closeup

Be Patient 

Gardening requires patience. The world we live in seems to be pretty fast-paced most of the time, but gardening is a great way to slow time down. Seeds take time to sprout, plants need nurturing, and growth will follow gradually. Embrace the process and allow yourself to enjoy the journey. The process is what makes gardening so exciting and rewarding.

Accept Imperfection 

I know we discussed seeking inspiration, and you may have created an ideal image of the garden in your mind. However, nature is beautifully imperfect. It is best to recognize ahead of time that not every seed will sprout, not every plant will thrive, and that is totally okay. Allow the imperfections to add character and uniqueness to your garden. This is your home and your opportunity to add a personal touch with your own hands.

Celebrate Growth

On the other hand, take time to celebrate the success of your garden. The results of the garden are a testament to your time and effort. Whether it is a tiny bud or a full blossom, find joy in every stage of growth and take pride in your creation. It is the little things that bring you back to the garden each day.

Maintaining Your Garden Space 

Now that you have gotten started, you want to keep moving forward with the process. Gardening requires nurturing and patience. Some days it calls for more love than others. Setting up a routine of when to water, prune, or fertilize the flowers can benefit the vitality of your plants and ease your duties.

The saying “April showers bring May flowers” has been used for a long time to illustrate the cyclical nature of life and the promise of renewal and growth that follows periods of adversity. This timeless saying reminds us that even during the most challenging times, there is always hope for brighter days ahead. In the full spirit of welcoming new beginnings, do not be afraid to roll up your sleeves and cultivate a garden in your new home. Let your new home be the showers that nourish a new beginning in your life. 

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