Interior Maintenance Tips for New Move-ins

Interior Maintenance Tips for New Move-ins by Chafin Communities

Posted Wednesday May 15, 2024 in Home Care Maintenance & Tips, Home Maintenance, Homeowner Tips

Interior Maintenance Tips for New Move-ins by Chafin Communities

Congratulations on your new home! You fell in love with a home and made it yours. Now what? Prioritizing interior maintenance from the outset will help you settle in smoothly and keep your living space in tip-top shape. Becoming a homeowner is a learning experience, so let’s start with interior maintenance tips for a new move-in or the spring season. 

If this is a brand-new move-in, you most likely just had an official inspection of the home, so the majority is off your plate. However, there are some things you may want to check up on after living in your home for a little while, or some that you may want to consider doing right away. 

Deep Clean 

If you have the time and supplies, doing a deep clean before moving in is ideal. You should sanitize all surfaces, sweep, mop, clean the carpet, etc. Cleaning before bringing in your boxes allows you to reach every nook and cranny that may be hidden for quite some time by furniture or other items in the future. However, even if you do not get the chance to do it beforehand, a thorough clean after you have unboxed everything helps tremendously too. That way you are starting with a completely blank slate. 

Safety Precautions 

Your safety is the top priority in your home. Go ahead and test the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are functioning properly from the start. Replace batteries if necessary. Early detection of hazards can save lives, so it is important to make sure that they are doing their job. This is also a great time to look for a fire extinguisher and check the expiration date. In addition, if you prefer to have in-home security, now is the time to install those features. Here are more tips for overall home safety checklist and precautions.

The Attic 

Checking the attic is good routine maintenance for the spring regardless of a new move-in or not. The attic can easily go overlooked because it is separate from daily use. However, it is good practice to check for any unwanted critters that may have snuck in for warmth in the winter. Also, check the insulation while you are up there. Proper insulation is a safeguard from mold that thrives in the summer months. Not to mention, insulation is your friend when it comes to lowering utility bills. 


Your plumbing system was most likely checked during the official inspection for you, but it is good to know what to look for on your own as time goes by. Inspect faucets, toilets, and pipes for leaks or drips. If you find any loose fixtures, tighten them and replace any worn-out washers or seals as soon as possible.  It may seem like a small drip now, but small drips can accumulate a lot of lost water and therefore, a lot of lost money. It is worth it to fix it before it becomes a bigger problem later. The last thing you want to deal with is preventable water damage. 

Electrical Outlets and Wiring 

Test all electrical outlets and switches to ensure they are working properly. Some outlets may go unused for quite some time, so it may take a while to realize that they are not working. It is better to know from the get-go, so the problem can be addressed promptly. In addition, look for any signs of frayed wires, loose connections, or electrical hazards. If you discover issues that are beyond your expertise, consider hiring a professional to conduct a thorough inspection and resolve any issues. 

HVAC Filters

The HVAC system is another area that was checked before your arrival, but it should be added to your routine maintenance list. As the weather warms up, your HVAC system will be working harder to keep your home comfortable. The harder the system is working, the higher your utility bill will be. Change the air filters and clean the vents if necessary to ensure optimal quality and efficiency. Generally speaking, they should be replaced every 30-60 days. Consider scheduling a professional HVAC inspection to catch any issues before they escalate. 

Refresh Your Decor

Spring and a fresh move-in is the opportune time to breathe new life into your interior decor. Consider swapping out heavy curtains for sheer fabrics to let in more natural light. Add pops of color with fresh flowers, throw pillows, or decorative accents to create a vibrant, welcoming environment. 

Create a Maintenance Schedule 

A home can seem like a large task with Interior Maintenance Tips, but taking it piece by piece can make it feel more manageable. Find what works for you, and create a maintenance plan. Developing a monthly or seasonal maintenance schedule will help you stay on top of routine tasks throughout the year. By proactively addressing maintenance needs, you can prolong the lifespan of your home and avoid unexpected emergencies. 

Moving into a new home is a significant milestone, and taking the time to prioritize interior maintenance will set the stage for a comfortable and enjoyable living experience. By following these essential tips, you can do everything in your power to make sure that your home remains safe, functional, and beautiful for years to come.

Welcome home! 

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