The Chafin Home Building Timeline


What To Expect When a Home is Built?

Building a new home is very exciting. Our team wants you to feel confident that you are in experienced hands while watching your home come to life.  The more you know, the more you can sit back and enjoy this process. Here is an approximate timeline showing you how the magic happens at Chafin Communities:

Home Building Timeline

There are also a lot of processes that go on behind the scenes before the above timeline can begin: 
  1. Land purchase is usually done 2 – 3 years prior
  2. Product design and features determined
  3. Development (streets and utilities) about a year prior
  4. Building permits are submitted and they tend to take about one to two months (per county)

(Please note that due to COVID-19 and supply chain issues timelines may take a lot longer right now)

After all the behind the scenes things happen, then the actual building of the home can begin….or as we call it, The Fun Part!

Even after 7,000 homes, our team still finds it very exciting and interesting to watch a new home come to life.

This timeline is for a 2,000 – 3,000 square foot home which can take about 120 to 160 days to build*.  

*Please remember, this timeline will very as needed to meet each construction timeline of home and home buyer’s circumstances.  

FYI, we plan on a certain amount of possible delays in our timeline, so while we add in extra time, we still cannot predict them all.  

Here are some of the more usually causes of delays:

  1. Larger homes with lots of custom features
  2. Basements usually add 2 months to the build cycle
  3. Sudden changes to government regulations
  4. Supply chain issues – if we can’t get it, we can’t install it, and if we can’t install it, that may also prevent us from going to the next step 
  5. Weather delays – in Georgia, winter freezes and spring rains can cause some longer than unexpected delays
  6. Sudden changes to subcontractors

    Our team takes this very seriously and wants to make each closing happen on time.  Each of us understands how challenging a move can be from the home buyers perspective, because all of our members has been there. We get it!!


We are here to help, so if you have any questions, please ask the onsite agent that is working with you.

Are You Ready to See What MORE Chafin Can Do For YOU?

Buying a home is an exciting time and choosing the perfect home for your lifestyle or family is a huge decision.  Let our ONLINE Specialists guide you! 

 Contact Us Today: ONLINE Chat or Call 1-470-269-3829

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